Friday, October 7, 2022

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  Find all local events in Vancouver including culinary workshops, entertainment seminars, concerts and cultural festivals during all seasons. COVID Update & Information Visitors. Due to the COVID pandemic, Canada Day celebrations mostly took place online in and In Canada Day celebrations in North Vancouver are happening in-person once . Jun 29, • June 29, • 2 minute read • 6 Comments. Ricky Johnson waves a Canadian flag on a hockey stick as he sings O Canada while attending Canada Day celebrations in .  

More calls to cancel Canada Day in Vancouver | CityNews Vancouver.Vancouver Coastal Health


At the same time, artificial intelligence enabled faculties to accelerate and advance research and clinical care in the pharmaceutical sciences and clinical pharmacy practice.

Introduction and implementation of any technology-enabled education and training includes many success factors such as technology literacy amongst educators and students. To enhance technology-enabled pharmaceutical education, this digital event will outline good practices and engage participants in identifying a SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of technology and AI use in education.

This event will discuss the role of community pharmacists in promoting oral health and the links between oral health and other non-communicable diseases. Also, the event will address the needs for additional training, interprofessional education and collaborative practice models between dentistry and pharmacy. Key interventions by community pharmacists in oral health care from different parts of the world will be presented. Understand the importance of oral health in the prevention of non-communicable diseases NCD , such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer and diabetes; 2.

Explore the role of community pharmacists in promoting oral health care; 3. Discuss the need for oral health care training and education resources that support pharmacists deliver improved and responsive oral health care interventions; 4.

Explore interprofessional collaborative practice models between dentists and pharmacists. Curriculo is a UK based training company specialising in leadership and management skills development and career management. They work across various sectors including corporate, health care, education and sport. The PFP focuses on the development of personal, social and professional skills and provides a strong foundation in the development of key leadership capabilities.

The programme aligns with Development Goal 9: Continuing professional development strategies and addresses a skill gap that has been identified by members in leadership development.

This event is to update pharmacy professionals about the range of therapeutic options currently available for COVID It will take an evidence-based approach and also look at future development of therapeutic agents. Explain which medicines are available that target the virus or provide symptom control 2.

Discuss which medicines will be effective against new variants. Describe what other medicines are available and what is the evidence for them. Around the world, community pharmacies play an increasingly consolidated role in vaccination. As the world slowly begins to emerge from the pandemic, this event will discuss the role of community pharmacies in COVID booster vaccination, and their challenges in vaccine supply logistics and cold storage solutions, particularly in a post-pandemic scenario.

Key interventions by community pharmacists in vaccine supply logistics linked to COVID from different parts of the world will be presented.

Understand the supply chain and distribution process of COVID vaccines from manufacturer to hospitals, community pharmacies, and the public;. Discuss the challenges of COVID booster vaccination supply logistics and cold storage solutions in community pharmacies, particularly in a post-pandemic scenario;.

Explore supply models that involve community pharmacies contributing to population vaccination coverage in a post-pandemic scenario. Piervincenzi, Ph. The importance of vaccines creates opportunities for pharmacists and pharmacies to contribute to improving vaccination coverage.

To kick off World Immunisation Week, this digital event will provide an overview of that expansion for tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis booster, COVID, and meningitis vaccines.

Moreover, it will allow participants to hear from countries in various stages of advocating for a broader role for pharmacists in vaccination.

This webinar is the first of the Precision Medicine Webinar Series, which will discuss the current state and future of precision medicine in research and practice, including the ongoing technological advances and challenges and opportunities for the pharmacy profession to address. This webinar will introduce:. Over the past 2 decades, virtual education evolved as a new pedagogy within education. Following the experience from the unexpected drastic shift to remote learning and virtual education as a result of the COVID pandemic, educators are faced with dilemmas of how to strike a balance between face-to-face modalities and the virtual platform.

Remote learning and virtual education provide opportunities and leadership to develop hybrid models of teaching is now being considered. The webinar will seek to expose experiences and share examples of such opportunities and how to lead faculty towards incorporating the virtual education while ensuring quality education.

Describe the functionality of the SustainabilityRx website 2. Consider steps that can be taken to prepare for future pandemics. Epilepsy is a disorder that afflicts approximately 50 million people worldwide and the WHO has declared epilepsy as a public health imperative.

Medications are the mainstay of treating epilepsy, so pharmacist have great role to play in improving the care of people with epilepsy. This Webinar will explore the findings of the recent WHO report on epilepsy, describe ways that pharmacists can be involved in caring for patients with epilepsy, consider advances in new medications, and discuss the challenges of access to medications for many people worldwide. Learning Objectives: 1.

Identify the main barriers to appropriate care of patients with epilepsy as described in the WHO report on epilepsy. Describe ways that pharmacists can improve the care of patients with epilepsy. Incorporate new antiseizure medications into treatment regimens for epilepsy. Take steps to improve patient access to good quality seizure medications. Approximately 90 percent of prescriptions in the US are generics that often are the product of an intricate global supply chain.

The Office of Generic Drugs OGD is involved in efforts to advance the international harmonization of scientific, technical and regulatory standards for generic drug development.

OGD continues global efforts with a focus on prioritizing future topics for generic harmonization that will include more complex generic drugs. The envisioned outcome of these global efforts is reduced time and cost of product development, consequently improving patient access to more affordable medicines. OGD Global Affairs identifies opportunities and challenges as those national regulations are being developed and implemented positioning regulators proactively on the path of convergence.

In many countries, vaccination coverage rates are suboptimal, and vaccination services are largely focused on childhood. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, and more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines. Goals to expand vaccination pathways include to have more and more easily accessible vaccination points, more professionals who can deliver the service to more people and offer evidence-based advice on vaccines.

Ongoing learning and professional development are key to components of every occupation. This is especially true for pharmacy technicians working in a constantly-evolving practice landscape.

This session will address professional development and advanced training for pharmacy technicians across the world. Learning objectives: - Identify drivers and barriers related to the regulatory landscape of vaccination in the region - Learn about examples of best practices in terms of interprofessional cooperation and task-sharing involving pharmacists in the area of vaccination - Explore the plans for switching from a pandemic to an endemic response in the region, including the role of pharmacist in vaccination, and in patient care and treatment.

Learning objectives: - Identify drivers and barriers related to the regulatory landscape of vaccination in the region - Learn about examples of best practices in terms of interprofessional cooperation and task-sharing involving pharmacists in the area of vaccination - Explore the plans for switching from a pandemic to an endemic response in the region, including the role of pharmacist in vaccination, and in patient care and treatment Moderators: - Parisa Aslani, FIP Vice President, FIP, Australia - Ron Guse, Chair FIP Regulators Forum, FIP, Canada.

Self-care is an integral part of healthcare systems, contributing to healthcare cost savings, better allocation of resources and improved health outcomes in the population. Pharmacists are well placed in the community to support health-related decisions and facilitate informed self-care. FIP aims to support pharmacists in this role through advocacy and by developing professional resources in the area of self-care. This event will showcase a variety of FIP publications, including the launch of a new handbook.

Malaria is responsible for approximately thousand deaths annually, resulting in an enormous public health burden on many of the tropical and subtropical countries.

Although projects are ongoing in WHO, pharmaceutical companies and foundations, basic university-based research is also essential against for treatment and drug resistance in malaria. Engagement of young pharmaceutical scientists in the field is necessary to overcome this situation. Dr Eizo Takashima, Ehime University, Japan was invited as a speaker for preliminary lecture, and provide opportunity for young scientists to discuss about the science of malaria.

At this event on World Cancer Day, we will explore innovations in pharmacy practice in the community and hospital pharmacy settings, in terms of supporting cancer patients throughout their journey. A panel of experts will present and discuss examples of innovative professional services in cancer prevention and screening, access to cancer treatments, adherence and continuity across transitions of care, among others.

The goal is to raise awareness of the important role that pharmacists can play in all areas of practice in terms of cancer prevention and management, in collaboration with other healthcare professionals. Pharm PhD. Establishing a correlation between in vitro tests and in vivo product performance has always been a challenge for the pharmaceutical industry.

Without a link between specifications and in vivo performance, drug product manufacturing processes are often performed under unnecessarily tight controls. Furthermore, implementing changes post-product market approval can be challenging in a complex global environment. This webinar will describe traditional and novel approaches towards establishing in vitro in vivo correlations. The main focus will be on solid oral dosage forms, however other dosage forms will also be discussed.

Recent technological advancements have revolutionized clinical practice, and there is need for a pharmaceutical workforce that is well-equipped to embrace, innovate, and capitalize on the benefits of digital health.

Findings from the FIP report on digital health in pharmacy education revealed the need to develop courses, training material and experiential learning opportunities to prepare a digitally literate pharmacy workforce. At this event, we will reflect on the progress made to date, launch the TtT course, which targets academics as well as educators in any sector in pharmacy, and how this initiative builds on FIP competency frameworks and reports.

Event outcomes: 1. At this event we will present an overview of the range of Medication Review MR services and their definition, highlighting the difference between them and particularly with Medicines Use Review MUR in light of recent international updates. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development.

At this webinar, cultivating mental health and resilience for academics will be highlighted and academic strategies for will be discussed to emphasize the benefits of improved mental health and wellbeing in achieving a better work-life integration.

The participants who join the webinar will; 1. Discover the importance of fostering academic resilience for mental health and wellbeing during unprecedented times and beyond, 2. Address the necessary reasons to raise mental health awareness among academics for students and workplace, 3. Identify institutional strategies in supporting mental health and wellbeing of academic staff and students, 4. Optimize mental health for academic performance in higher education.

Pharmacy teams are increasingly providing services that support people to self-care with their sexual health. This webinar will focus particularly on advice, screening and testing, as well as appropriate management of choices of medicines and products to support sexual health. A case study will be presented and the event will conclude with a panel discussion. Aim: To identify how the community pharmacy team can provide support to people to self-care with their sexual health. Increase awareness of sexual health issues, how common they are, what impacts they have and how they can be managed; 2.

Learn how to support people with their sexual health; 3. Discuss appropriate management in the choice of medicines and products for the self-care of sexual health. Describe the role that pharmacist and their team can play in screening, testing, advising and educating people sexual health and how they can self-care.

The year saw the COVID outbreak become a global pandemic which, even by days at the end of , has highlighted how much the world has had to change and we have had to adapt our lives, ways of working, ways of living.

Despite the impact of the pandemic on business plans and working environments, FIP persevered to deliver and launch the FIP Development Goals for our members and the profession worldwide, understanding the need to provide directions and goals in the coming years as we live with and hopefully move out of the pandemic.

In , we ran a full programme to identify the priority goals for the decade ahead across our regions and members. In this event we recap the key outcomes and priorities across the world region which we captured in a new report. Availability of diagnostics in the pharmacy and beyond can also make an impact on self-care. Aim: To discuss which medicines are appropriate to switch from prescription-only to non-prescription Over The Counter Medicines and describe how diagnostics can support self-care.

Describe current approaches to switching medicines from prescription to non-prescription and how this supports self-care ; 2. Discuss which medicines should be available over the counter in the pharmacy; 3.

Explain how diagnostics can support self-care. Pharmacy teams are increasingly supporting children and their carers with self-care. Aim: To identify how the community pharmacy team can support self-care of common health problems for children and their carers.

Starting in March, the 21 digital events aim to provide description, direction and context for each specific goal, with a global plan for the decade ahead and how each nation, within each region can identify and prioritise which goals are the priorities and how the goals can support developments and transformation for them.

This programme is all about engaging the profession and supporting the profession to deliver in relevant and purposeful ways. The Global Advanced development framework GADF was developed to support the professional development and recognition of the pharmacy workforce everywhere and the Global Competency Framework GbCF was developed by the FIP as a focused support structure for early career pharmacists. This digital event seeks to create more awareness for the GADF and GbCF and to enable early career pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists have a better understanding of their structure.

Competency framework- A complete collection of competencies that are thought to be essential to performance. Competencies — Knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes that individuals accumulate, develops, and acquires through the education, training and work experience.

Summary There is variability across the globe in the provision of universal healthcare. Self care is not no care and it is not necessarily practised in isolation. It may involve support and advice from others, such as expert pharmacy teams.

This event discusses how self-care can contribute to Universal Health Coverage from the perspectives of providers of healthcare services and public and patients. Aim: To discuss the perspectives of providers of healthcare services and the people accessing them about how self-care can contribute to universal health coverage. Traditionally, the distribution of medicines to consumers has been organized through heavily regulated networks of physical pharmacies. The strict regulation of market structure has been in place to ensure the safety, accessibility and affordability of medicines, but it has also limited competition in the pharmacy sector.

Nowadays, the regulation of pharmacies differs between countries, and this has created different market conditions for online pharmacies to operate. In some countries the online sales of medicines have grown considerably during the recent years as consumers have become more accustomed to e-commerce. More lately the Covid pandemic has dramatically shaped the e-commerce landscape.

Due to the pandemic, the demand for online services of pharmacies has increased significantly in many countries. It is also likely that this has changed preferences for some consumers permanently and demand should therefore remain at a higher level in the future. Gastrointestinal symptoms have an impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals that can be debilitating, however, the majority of people can be supported by the pharmacy team to self-care and effectively manage their symptoms.

To explore: lifestyle factors that can cause or worsen gastrointestinal complaints and the role of pharmacy team in supporting the majority of customers to self-care and effectively manage their symptoms. List common GI symptoms and their impact on people; 2. Identify and suggest approaches to addressing lifestyle factors causing GI symptoms. Discuss the role of pharmacy team to support people with GI symptoms to self-care.

At this event on World AIDS day, we will explore the different roles pharmacists can have in the prevention and screening of HIV infections, as well as in providing care and support to people living with HIV, namely through medication management. Although there is still no cure for HIV, with the advancement of therapies and increasing access to effective HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care, including for opportunistic infections, HIV infection has become a manageable chronic health condition, enabling people living with HIV to lead long and healthy lives.

Describe the burden and characteristics of HIV globally. Understand the possibilities of involvement of pharmacists in the clinical care of people living with HIV. Describe the role of pharmacists in PrEP-related services. Asociado Central University of Las Villas.

One global event and six regional workshops were held, with over 4, participants engaging in collaborative efforts to identify and implement region-specific initiatives to mitigate AMR. Where possible, those involved in good practice initiatives will be invited to join the panel discussion.

Thank you and close: - The AMR accelerator idea with the most traction is presented during the global session. The goal calls to support professional career development by using tools, such as competency frameworks, describing competencies and behaviours across all settings.

Sore throat is a common self-limiting condition which often leads to patients presenting in the pharmacy for advice, treatment options and reassurance.

Sore throat is predominantly a viral condition for which symptomatic management offers the most appropriate course of action. Effective diagnosis, communication and managing expectations can prevent unnecessary onward referral or inappropriate antibiotic use. Aim: To help pharmacists enhance their role as the primary healthcare professional in the appropriate management of sore throat through improved communication and appropriate management that supports self-care. List the presenting symptoms of sore throat 2.

Explain the diagnosis of sore throat 3. Antimicrobial resistance AMR is a major public health threat, which currently kills around , people each year worldwide. The fight against AMR has been a priority for FIP for many years as it causes a profound impact on global, regional and national health care and economies. The goal of this webinar is to supplement the other FIP webinars being held in November discussing AMR regionally around the globe. This webinar specifically targets pharmacists involved in hospital and health-system practice settings and will discuss innovative ways to involve pharmacists in infectious disease through AMR and sepsis management.

Introduce the antimicrobial stewardship program in hospital pharmacy using clinical decision support system 2. Discuss the role and importance of the pharmacist in the management of sepsis 3.

Evaluate the use of software and information technology to support antimicrobial stewardship in the critically ill. The Leadership Summit— the programme finale — is a high-level event in which we recap the primary outcomes of the event digital series.

Together, we will adopt the FIP Commitment to Action on sustainable and equitable access to vaccines through pharmacy which will be launched during the Summit. Global leaders from health and pharmacy join this landmark event. Building on the outcomes of the programme, the FIP digital programme focuses on supporting FIP members in accelerating equity, access and sustainability of vaccinations through policy development and implementation.

Despite all good intentions, all humans carry unconscious biases. How do these impact our ability to provide culturally appropriate care to our patients? This interactive session is meant to target all pharmacists and educators in practice to promote understanding on the influence of unconscious bias on health disparities, like COVID Specifically, experts will share the neuroscience of how implicit bias, strategies to disrupt bias, and address how bias can influence our patient care interactions.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Define implicit bias and its impact on health disparities. Discuss the impact of unconscious bias and how it affects our relationships with patients, students, and colleagues. Identify and reflect on own biases. List strategies to mitigate unconscious bias in pharmacy practice to improve patient-centred care. The document "Pharmaceutical services in immunisation: Contributions, experiences and implementation in the Americas region", authored by the Drug Information Centre of the Pharmaceutical Research Institute of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Costa Rica for the Pharmaceutical Forum of the Americas, provides an overview of the involvement of the pharmacy profession in immunisation in Latin America.

This document is intended to be a tool for the implementation of pharmaceutical services in immunisation in the region, which also complements other reports issued by FIP. The document is available in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Covid complications include a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. COVID -associated invasive mould infections have been identified as a serious global health problem. These invasive infections present differently and vary in their risk factors.

Pharmacists can play a vital role in raising awareness, prevention, and treatment of these emerging pathogens. Long Covid conditions are a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems people can experience for four or more weeks after contracting SARS-CoV However, the burden is not well understood and treatment approaches need further study.

This webinar will raise awareness of the pharmacist's role in supporting patients with COVID associated mould infections and Long Covid.

Recognize manifestations and risk factors of Long Covid. Provide actionable steps to care for people with post-covid conditions -as part of multi-disciplinary teams. This webinar aims to identify the challenges and opportunities for pharmacists in addressing diabetes, highlight the different ways pharmacists can advocate for increased recognition and visibility of roles in providing diabetes-related services, understand the role that pharmacists can play in achieving global diabetes goals, in commemoration of the World Diabetes Day WDD.

This event will also close the series of five webinars organised by FIP to explore the role of pharmacists in the prevention and management of diabetes and its complications; the advancement in therapeutic options; the competencies and workforce development opportunities; and the policy barriers and facilitators in providing diabetes-related services.

Showcase the FIP tools, evidence, and resources to support DG 3 implementation across the three elements. Cytotoxic drugs compounding is one of the most risky activity among all pharmaceutical operations in a Pharmacy. This has led pharmacists to multiply check points at each critical step and in-process controls to keep that risk at the lowest, as reported in numerous publications. What can technology bring in terms of safety, speed, convenience, and reliability in such complex environments?

Three exemples will be discussed in this webinar: CSTDs, IV workflow management system with IA technology and video recording, and robotic compounding.

Around million people worldwide have diabetes and 1. How can we help? COVID vaccines. Beach water quality reports. Wildfire smoke. Indigenous Health. Request a health record.

Family doctors. COVID vaccination. Learn about vaccine eligibility and clinics in your community. Learn about the symptoms of monkeypox and how to protect yourself.

Cheng to collaborate with colleagues on research to improve early detection of pediatric central nervous system tumours. Continue reading Time to diagnosis for malignant central nervous system tumours does not determine survival. Marijuana as medicine for kids with cancer: An emerging field of desperately-needed research There are currently no evidence-based guidelines for medical marijuana use in pediatric patients.

Rod Rassekh is focused on research that will provide better understanding on the risks and potential benefits of therapeutic cannabis. Continue reading Marijuana as medicine for kids with cancer: An emerging field of desperately-needed research. Not just a risk: Understanding cancer genes can reveal how early tumours form We spoke to Dr. Rod Rassekh is focused on research that will provide better understanding on the risks and potential benefits of therapeutic cannabis.

Continue reading Marijuana as medicine for kids with cancer: An emerging field of desperately-needed research. Not just a risk: Understanding cancer genes can reveal how early tumours form We spoke to Dr. Christopher Maxwell about his team's recent discoveries about the biological roles of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and the implications for breast, ovarian and some childhood cancers.

Continue reading Not just a risk: Understanding cancer genes can reveal how early tumours form. Trans youth want virtual appointments to continue after COVID pandemic New research indicates that the majority of trans youth want to continue virtual health care visits after the COVID pandemic ends. Virtual care can increase feelings of safety, reduce travel-related costs and time taken off work or school, and facilitate connections with physicians and multidisciplinary health-care teams.

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